This is the website from which the forecast is printed. To learn more, please visit the website. |
Local time |
Cloudiness, % |
Precipitation, mm |
Temperature, °C |
Pressure, mmHg |
Wind: speed , m/s |
direction |
more information about weather is available on the website rp5.co.nz |
50 minutes ago, a near gale ( 14 m/s ) was observed in Hopedale in Nain (airport).
During the last 12 hours the minimum air temperature ( -29 oC ) was observed in Labrador City in Wabush (airport).
4 hours ago, the maximum air temperature ( -5 oC ) was observed on the Burin Peninsula in Little St. Lawrence.
50 minutes ago, snow depth of 19 cm was observed in Hopedale in Nain (airport).
50 minutes ago, snow depth of 19 cm was observed in Corner Brook in Deer Lake (airport).